Monday, April 30, 2012

Great day!

I am so excited!  I ran 5 miles today without stopping.  I felt it was a great accomplishment and a great way to start off the week.  My cardio class tonight was AMAZING!!!  I feel like I really pushed myself. 


So I have lost around 45 lbs.  Wow!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fell off the wagon

Well this weekend has been BAD!!!  I ate total crap all weekend (fri/sat).  Tomorrow I have to jump back on the wagon.  I feel like junk and it's because of the junk I ate.  Where did my will power go?  I think with me being sick I just didn't feel like cooking.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day.  I need to pick myself up and start fresh. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Still here

I am still here.  I haven't weighed this week and don't plan to until Sunday so I really haven't had a whole lot to say.  Things are going pretty good.  I have decided to add a graham cracker to my paleo plan.  They had that back then right?  LOL.  No, they did not but I need something to curve this bread anxiety and a graham cracker seems to be doing the trick.  I will eventually try to get into something a little more healthy but this is working for now.  I have had sinus issues for two days now and drinking tons of water.  I feel dehydrated even though I am putting down over 100 ounces a day.  Today I am almost done with 96 ounces and its not even 5 so  I will go well over today.  My workouts have been good this week.  I went to 4 evening classes and we went to the park a couple of times.  I have been missing my weight lifting workouts this week but Madison has been snotty so I don't want to drag her to the gym twice a day.  She needs some time to get better.  Well, that's it for me.  I made some chili for dinner and my husband whined until I put beans in it so I guess I am not going full paleo for dinner.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update pics

So my husband calls me a narcissist.  I call it motivation.  If I am feeling down and wanting to just quit the whole weight loss thing and binge eat.  I take a few pictures and compare them to my day 1 photos and tell myself that its worth it.  I am worth it.  Call it what you will but I will continue to take pics to view my progress.  So here are my new pics after a day of feeling like giving up.  I am feeling better.  I am starting to see some definition in my arms and tummy.  I still need to get a tan, lol.

The first set is my Day 1 and Month 10 and the second set is my Week 1 and Month 10.

Anxiety vs bread

Ok, so I know why cavemen ran around like crazy people grunting and hollering gibberish.  It's because they were missing bread in their diets. 

I have been so cranky since starting this diet.  Almost to the point that I don't like my own attitude.  Even though this diet is working for me physically, I really don't think it is helping me mentally.  I have been so cranky towards my kids, family, and peers.  I used to call my sis and mom 10 times a day and I didn't even speak to my sister at all today.  It has really got me in a funk.  I am considering going off of it for a couple of days to see if I see any improvements with my mood.  Maybe it's just all in my head. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wanted to share

I just wanted to share what a friend from a health group posted that really struck me. 

"We just simply have to look at what we have and what is being produced in our lives and then make positive changes. Is it going to be easy? No, but think of this. We were trained from a child to eat most of what we eat. We have developed an appetite and a love for the things we eat as adults. Most of this began in the early years of life. It was all passed on to us from our parents or caregivers. We can't really blame them but we can take control of the outcome we want in our lives now and in the lives of those who come after us. One way to do this is through education.

In spite of all the knowledge thrown our way, we tend to be trapped in what I call the battle of "Taste vs Results." We tend to go for the taste and care very little about the results it will produce in our bodies. We know some foods are bad for us but they taste so good. We are trapped in the taste. We can break out of it. We can "wean" ourselves off of the bad stuff and on to the good stuff. Over time our taste buds will "convert" to what you want to become a part of your diet. Continuous education will help you to maintain your commitment to your new changes. This will take patience and diligence. It can be done. We are stronger than we recognize."  

I just love this and it really struck me. 

Prep Day

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 4oz
Calories 130
Protein 27g

Today is prep day.  I have 12 bags of 4oz chicken and 1 bag of 6 oz ready for the week.

Soda is evil!!!

Today is my prep day because I didn't make the time to do it yesterday.  I ended up mowing the yard and cleaning out both of the cars.  I drank my first soda yesterday as part of my cheat meal and OMG I will never put that junk in my body again.  I had the worst night.  I was wide awake until about 1:30 and then I never fully think I went to sleep.  I was wide awake at 5 am.  I am not sleepy today but exhausted if that makes any sense.  I am not weighing this week until Sunday.  I felt like I overdid it a little last week.  I had gotten away from constantly being on the scales and last week I was on them everyday so no more this week.  I will check when my full 2nd week is completed.  Gotta go cook while the kiddos are napping/resting.  :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 1 Round Up

So I survived my first full week of the Paleo diet.  I did so good.  I only gave in to a couple of items at a birthday party yesterday.  I will say though for 6 days straight I didn't have any grains, dairy, or beans.  I did have a little yesterday and really regretted it.  I am proud of the first week. 
  • I am sleeping wayyyyy better.  I am going to bed at a decent time.  This is not by choice but my body physically closes my eyes, lol.  I used to stay up until midnight and this week most days were around 10:30-11:00.  I am not waking to go to the bathroom at night.  I am sleeping a full night which hasn't happened in a long time. 
  •  I am no longer napping during the day with the kids.  I am so wide awake that I couldn't even imagine napping. 
  • I am trying to adjust to fueling my body before workouts.  I really feel the energy but once I started on some days I felt a little sluggish and unable to fully do what I needed to do without a break.  
  • One downfall that I have noticed is that I am still pretty irritable.  I don't know if it's because I am missing certain comfort foods (bread) or if I am just bitter about other things.  
  • I feel like the kids are having to keep up with me now.  I am more active with them.  Most days we go to the park twice.  Then the rest of the time we are playing and running around.  
I didn't weigh this morning because I was honestly cranky and didn't want to even mess with it.  I ate some sodium yesterday and didn't want to be discouraged by water retention.  I did weigh on Friday morning and was at 189.8.  So I did accomplish a pretty big goal this week.  I was in the 190s-200s most of high school so I am excited to be lower.  I put on a pair of jeans today that I have been trying to wear for 6 months and they fit.  They were my goal jeans.  I guess I will need to get some new goal jeans.  :)

Overall, I really think this diet is working for me.  I say diet but should be saying lifestyle change.  I really was to stick with this forever.  I will have my occasional cheat meals but that's ok.  My friend sent me something that said "I needed to focus on how far I've come, not how far I have to go."  I need to keep that in mind.  :)  Take care all!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 7

So today is my final day of the week on this diet.  I plan to continue on and will post a weight pic in the morning as well as how I am feeling.  As for today, I have a birthday party to attend.  There will be cake and lots of yummy (tempting) foods there.  I plan on packing my lunch, lol.  I really want to succeed in this.  I feel like I am doing great at resisting the urges to eat crappy food.  It has really helped that I have healthy food available and ready to go at all times.  On Sundays I really try to get everything washed, cut up, and cooked.  I am looking forward to what the next week brings.  :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 6: Its getting easier

I resisted donuts this morning!!!  What an accomplishment!  Today is Day 6 and I am still feeling good.  I sleep so much harder than I did before.  I am actually tired before my usual bedtime (12 am).  I have been going to sleep between 10:30 and 11:00 and falling right to sleep and sleeping until 7:30-8:00.  I used to lay in bed and think forever and then get on my phone and do this and that.  Now I get up and feel refreshed.  I don't have that groggy feeling around 10am where I want to take a nap.  I can't believe how switching to this diet has helped in so many ways already.  Today I went and bought more chicken and got some bacon.  I am going to try to make a paleo style pizza tonight.  I have ground sirloin (90/10) to put on bottom and then I am going to top it sauce and veggies. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 5 : Goodbye 190's...I hope

I really hope that this is the last time I see the stinkin' 190s on the scale. I am reaching a pretty big milestone in my weight loss. I am going to weigh less than I did in High School. That is something to be proud of. Its not all about the number on the scales but I am looking forward to that 8. I am feeling healthy and fit and that is where I should refocus my journey. Thanks for all the support!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The old me

This picture was taken about 2 years ago. I really can't believe how heavy I was. I think its amazing how I neglected my body eating crap and not exercising. I remember walking up the stairs and my knees killing me. Wow! That's all I can say. Today is Day4 of my new diet. I really feel great. I slept the best I have slept in a long time last night. I didn't get up one time. I was so rested what I woke up this morning. I am thankful for kids who sleep through the night I hope this continues and I get lots of rest. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Start of Day 3=Much joy!

Well its the morning of Day 3 and I thought I would check my weight. So I started at 197.4 and after 2 full days I am down to 193.0. So that's almost 5 lbs in 2 days. I am sure it's water weight but after being stuck in the high 190's for months I will take what I can get. I'll update more as the day goes on. I have 3 more lbs until I am in the 180's. I haven't been there since the 9th or 10th grade. Can't wait!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 2 complete

I am not feeling so cranky today. I actually felt full most of the day. I am not counting calories just eating when I am hungry. I had eggs for breakfast, cashews and an apple for snack, chicken and salad for lunch, pistachios and a strawberry for snack, celery and cucumbers for a snack, and for dinner I had baked tilapia and asparagus. The salad was loaded with tomatoes, cucs, 1 egg, 1/2 avacado, and lots of lettuce. I felt like my workout went well today. I felt pretty strong.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Paleo Diet Day 1 Weigh In

Day 1-----Starting weight 197.4

Food for the week

I will still have to get more fruits and veggies as the week goes on but I have lots of fish and chicken that should last me the week.

Paleo 101

So after speaking with some people I think I am going to try out the Paleo eating lifestyle. I hate to say diet because I really plan to make this a lifelong commitment to my health. I am starting today, Sunday April 15th, 2012. I took a picture of my food and day 1 of the scale. I plan to weigh in either every 3 days or 7 days. I am eating meat, veggies, fruits, and nuts. No bread for me or rice, bean, dairy, basically any of the "good" stuff. I am a heavy carb eater. I would say that I eat at least 4 slices of bread on a average day. Let's not even count all the other carbs and sugar I get from other foods. I have done a lot of research on this topic and really want to give it a go. Today I am feeling very cranky. I have already missed my 2 usual bread eating meals (toast for breakfast and bread for sandwich). I almost feel like that of an addict. I almost have a sense of anxiety. Oh, and I also missed my morning glass of milk. Regardless of how well I do with this the carb level has to come down. I am holding onto belly fat and I really need it gone. So I will be posting pics today. I hope to blog everyday to let you know how I am feeling and how things are going. Thanks for looking!